Common Mistakes You Need to Avoid When Selling Your Home

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As fulfilling as it can feel to move into a new home, selling your old house can be quite difficult. There are plenty of similar mistakes that newcomers to the subject make, resulting in a slower selling process. To help you prepare for your next home sale, we’ll breakdown three of the most common mistakes you need to avoid when selling your home.

Underestimating the Costs Involved

If it’s your first time selling a home, you might be thinking about the profit you’ll gain instead of the money you’ll lose. However, it’s important to remember that many costs that go into selling a home. This doesn’t mean you won’t profit at the end of the process—you certainly should—but you’ll have to make some purchases along the way.

These purchases include repairs, inspections, closing costs, real estate agent commissions, and any other concessions the buyer requests. At the end of the day, the total cost of selling is typically around 10% of the selling price.

Not Preparing or Staging Your Home

When you showcase your home to potential buyers, you have to thoroughly clean every nook and cranny. You can’t showcase a house that has dust on the shelves and laundry on the floor. You have to completely transform that house, inside and out, by the time your potential buyers arrive. That’s where the importance of home staging comes in.

Staging your home is the process of depersonalizing the property by redesigning the interior with the help of new furniture, paint, and other additions.

To properly depersonalize, make sure you hire a professional home stager. There are a few key ways to choose the right home stager, such as looking at proof of previous work and reviews from previous clients. Once you have a good home stager by your side, they’ll use their knowledge and resources to help you depersonalize each and every room of your humble abode.

Neglecting to Schedule an Inspection

Many buyers will have a professional inspect a home before officially buying. This will be to find problems such as mold, leaks, pests, and other issues that can damage and even devalue your property. If a potential buyer hires an inspector and they uncover some nasty issues, which you might not have even been aware of, you could lose their sale entirely.

That’s why, before showing the house to anyone, make sure you hire a professional to inspect the whole property. That way, you can discover any issues and deal with them immediately.

By remembering these common mistakes you need to avoid when selling your home, you can make sure your sale goes as smoothly as possible. Selling your home, especially for the first time, can be a rocky experience. There’s a lot to understand in the field of real estate but with this knowledge on your side, you’re one step closer to learning how to sell your home with confidence, wit, and ease.

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