It’s Time: Labor and Childbirth Tips for First-Time Moms

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It’s Time: Labor and Childbirth Tips for First-Time Moms

For moms-to-be, childbirth is highly anticipated event, especially for baby number one.Newcomers to the scenemay be unsure about the best ways to prepare for thisdeeply emotional and personal experience. While this is certainly a time of excitement and great joy, each birth is unique and unpredictable by nature.

Feeling pre-delivery day jitters? Don’t fear. When it’s time, keep these labor and childbirth tips for first-time moms in mind to approach the process with a clear head.

Prepare Yourself for the Pain

Labor is painful, but the pain of contractions has a distinctive purpose—and it doesn’t last forever. Fortunately, you also have a myriad of options available to help control or minimize the discomfort of childbirth. Each experience is different, so focus on finding the right labor pain management tactics for your personal preferences. If you choose to go without medication, consider prenatal yoga, visualization, and birthing classes to learn helpful breathing and positioning techniques.

Expect the Unexpected

Sometimes, the process of childbirth may not go the way you envisioned. That’s okay—the main goal is to bring your baby into the world as safely as possible. Remember that safety will always be the number one priority for yourself and the baby. This means your healthcare team may have to adjust a portion of the birth plan. Hope and strive for the best-case scenario, but understand what to expect if circumstances change.

Be Educated About the Labor Stages

Childbirth typically occurs in several stages, including early labor, active labor, and the actual pushing and delivery. First-time mothers should know what to expect physically and emotionally during each stage of the process for the best care and outcomes, including specialized intermittent fetal monitoring. For this reason, address any concerns and questions with your healthcare provider or midwife during prenatal visits. Labor management occurs based on facility practices or individualized models of care.

Stay Positive and Focused

Maintaining positivity is another tip for first-time moms when it’s time for labor and childbirth. Staying positively focused on the big arrival is integral during this memorable time of your life. If you feel uneasy about the challenges, ask questions and speak candidly with your provider or midwife. This is the best method to help you feel more at ease about what’s ahead. At the end of the day, joyfully holding your baby in your arms as a mother will be worth all the preparation, pain, and effort.

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