3 Types of Minimally Invasive Surgery You Should Know

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3 Types of Minimally Invasive Surgery You Should Know

Minimally invasive surgery has revolutionized the field of medicine. Traditionally, surgeries require large incisions and long recovery periods. However, with minimally invasive techniques, surgeons can now perform complex procedures using small incisions and specialized tools. This not only reduces the risk of complications but also promotes faster recovery times and less scarring for patients.

There are several types of minimally invasive procedures, each with its own unique benefits and applications. To help you learn more about finding pain relief, we will break down three of the most common types of minimally invasive surgery that you should know.

Robotic Surgery

Robot-assisted surgery is a type of minimally invasive procedure that uses robotic technology to assist surgeons in performing complex procedures. The surgeon controls the robotic arms from a console and utilizes 3D imaging for better visualization during the operation. This enables more accurate movements and greater dexterity, making it suitable for delicate procedures where precise movements are critical.

This may sound more complex than traditional surgery, but it can simplify the experience quite a bit. For example, one of the advancements in robotic surgical equipment is the ability to complete minimally invasive procedures. Less invasive procedures can reduce pain and help patients return to their daily activities sooner.

Laparoscopic Surgery

Laparoscopic surgery is another procedure that simplifies complex surgeries with the help of a tool called the laparoscope. A laparoscope is a thin tube with a camera that medical experts can insert into small incisions. As a result, these experts can perform surgeries in the abdomen.

Hazards of traditional surgery include blood loss and extensive recovery times. Luckily, using the laparoscope to examine organs and perform surgeries ensures experts can reduce hazards and help patients regain comfort again. Thanks to the use of the laparoscope for better visualization during surgeries, professionals perform complex procedures with greater precision. Laparoscopy is one of the main types of minimally invasive surgery you should know because it minimizes the hazards of surgery while still getting the job done successfully.

Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery (VATS)

Another minimally invasive procedure you can discuss with your doctor is video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS). The name may make this surgery seem identical to laparoscopic, but VATS is for diagnosing and treating conditions in the chest. Instead of entering through the abdomen, VATS involves small incisions between the ribs. Likewise, the tiny camera your surgeon will use to perform the procedure is not a laparoscope—it’s called a thoracoscope, hence the T in VATS.

One of the main advantages of VATS is that it avoids the need for a large incision in the chest, which can be painful and take longer to heal. The less invasive the surgery, the fewer complications you have to worry about. Talk to your doctor today if you want to learn more about using minimally invasive procedures to treat your current condition.

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