Factors That Can Impact Your HVAC System’s Performance

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Factors That Can Impact Your HVAC System's Performance

HVAC systems are essential for keeping homes at optimal temperatures. They’re crucial for improving airflow, reducing moisture levels, and filtering out contaminants.

If the system isn’t operating at its best, it could cost you money and make your home less comfortable. Here are the biggest factors that can impact your HVAC system’s performance.

The Size of the Home

One of the most significant factors that affect your HVAC system’s performance is the size of your home. Larger spaces require more heating and cooling capacity, which can cause units to work harder if they’re undersized. They’ll have to stay on for longer to reach the desired temperature, resulting in higher energy usage.

A general rule of thumb is to take the square footage of the space and multiply it by 25 to calculate the number of BTUs you’ll need. However, other factors, such as the quality of your ductwork, the amount of insulation, and how much exposure the home receives from the sun, can also play a role.

The Presence of Pets

HVAC systems can deal with dust, smoke, and dander. However, if there’s a lot in the home, their filtration systems may have trouble keeping up. Even if you don’t see them, animals are constantly shedding small bits of hair that can clog the HVAC system and reduce airflow.

Cleaning the home regularly is essential for pet owners. If the HVAC unit gets too dirty, it could cause severe damage to the internal components. Use these simple HVAC maintenance tips for pet owners to ensure your system stays in good working order.

The Maintenance Schedule

Even if you consider all the other factors, everyday use alone can cause wear and tear on your unit. Your HVAC system requires regular maintenance and tune-ups to operate at maximum capacity. Ignoring issues or putting them off for later can result in even more significant problems down the line.

You should change your filter regularly so that it doesn’t get too dirty. Check the condensing unit and clean it if necessary. Outdoor units should be clear of debris, with the air vents fully open. Listen for rattles, grinding metal, and other telltale signs of damage. You can always hire a professional maintenance service to fix more significant problems.

Keep Your HVAC System Performing at Its Best

A reliable HVAC system is essential, especially if you live in extremely hot or cold areas. Ensuring your unit works at its best will help you reduce energy and maintenance costs.

Knowing the factors that can impact your HVAC system’s performance will allow you to be proactive and fix issues immediately.

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