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Pam Crittenden Johnson

Staff Writer

The Ridgely Board of Mayor and Aldermen met last Thursday night in regular session. The main topic of the meeting was the resignation of Mayor Steve jones.

Jones told board members and members of the audience, “This will be my last board meeting as Mayor. I am retiring as of February 15th. I started as a Ridgely Alderman, serving three terms before I began my services as Mayor in 2011.”

Mayor Jones began talking about his accomplishments while holding office. The Ridgely Water Plant needed an overhaul and that is where he started. Rusty water and vats not working properly or not at all. There were two wells that were built in 1957 and 1964. One well was pumping 120 gallons of water per minute, 24/7 for the City of Ridgely. After spending $140,000. to over haul the water plant, Ridgely is now ranked fourth in Tennessee, for BEST drinking water.

Now the Street Department was in such a sad shape, a simple pair of players was nowhere to be found.  

“It’s time to let someone else sit in,” Jones explained. 

Steve went to the Tennessee Comptrollers office and borrowed $840,000. With a .oo1 percent interest rate and a one time interest fee. Ridgely also had a $225,000. CD that could only be refinanced at 1.9 percent interest. He took the CD and paid off 7.9% of loans their loans. $120,000. was saved with going that direction. 

After running a couple of years in the old rugged Garbage Truck, a new one was purchased for $96,000 and was paid for with CASH. 

Tool time. Mayor Jones discovered over $10,000 worth of scrap iron laying around the Water Plant. Ridgely Street Department now has any tool needed to complete a job.

A grant was received to redo the water lines, sewer and help with a new fire truck.

All this was done with the help of the Board and city employees saving money.

Everyone clapped as Mayor Jones finished discussing how his years of service had brought major improvements to several city departments and the Town of Ridgely.

Moving right along, Minutes from a special called meeting in January were presented for approval. The meeting had been called to discuss renting the City Animal Shelter to Jess Grief owner of RIDGELY PET HAVEN, Ridgely dog catcher.

Sharp made a motion to approve the minutes with a second by Crain.


For Old Business;

October and November financial Report & Audit.

  Rachel Graham stated these reports were complete. She said November journal entry on American Rescue was incorrect. She had made the journal entry the opposite direction and it went negative vs increase. She had contacted Beth Bartlett and ask her about doing the journal entry and now it is corrected. She had forgotten to make copies for the Board Meeting.

Alderman Sharp interjected, with 2 request. First, he wanted to make a motion to accept Mayor Jones resignation. Second, plan a called meeting for February 16th, 2023. The special meeting is to have Vice Mayor, Don Moore, take oath and assume the office of Ridgely Mayor. A new Alderman will take oath and take the empty set Mayor Moore vacated for his new role and approve October and November Financial Report if they are balanced.  

Motion was made by Alderman Sharp to approve special meeting and seconded by Alderman Crane. Approved 

Alderman Sharp then made the official motion to accept Mayor Jones Resignation dated February 15, 2023. Alderman Crane followed with a second. Roll call and all yes. Approved. 

Back to old business;

Mayor Jones ask if anyone wanted to make a motion to pass the Audit. After several long silent seconds, Mayor Jones said “No action taken, motion failed”.

On to New Business;

Mr. Bill Voelker ask for a variance on a new residents property so construction can take place. Alderman Sharp made a motion to approve with a second by Crittenden. Approved 

Mr. Voelker spoke out on shipping crates vs storage shed. Shipping crates should fall under the same ordinance as a single wide trailer. This matter was put off until next months meeting. 

Alderman Crittenden was next on the agenda. Crittenden stated she had been approached by several Ridgely residents asking about the $3,000 bonus Ridgely Employees are receiving. She was ask if that bonus was given to Pam Stewart. Even though Pam had retired September 30th, 2022 after over 30 years of service to the City of Ridgely, she had continued to work at home balancing the Financial Reports that Rachel had not figured out. Mrs. Stewart was paid for her work threw Ridgely City Hall therefore she is still considered a Ridgely City Employee and is due the $3,000. bonus Alderman Crittenden stated.

Mayor Jones ask if bonuses were going to be given to the 3 police officers that quit work last year on so on. Mayor Jones said he feels like they are asking for a law suite in giving Mrs. Stewart the employee bonus and not giving it to the employees that had quit their job.

Rachel Graham spoke up stating that what you do for one ..Mayor Jones finished the statement saying “you have to do for all of them”. 

Alderman Sharp spoke up agreeing that Mrs. Stewart is due the City employee $3,000. bonus to be distributed as follows. One thousand now and one thousand the next 2 quarters if she is working.

 A motion was made to pay the bonus to Pam Stewart. Rachel interrupted stating we paid her and no discussion was ever made to pay her the $3,000. bonus. 

Alderman Sharp stated there had been a discussion right here ( board room), no vote was taken but paying Pam $25.00 an hour had been thrown around. Rachel said no such thing took place in the board room. It was discussed at the café’ or Donna’s office. Words were thrown around leaving a big impression that Rachel and Mayor Jones did not want Pam Stewart to receive the same bonus Rachel was receiving when Pam had graciously agreed to help with balancing the monthly financial report which was actually Rachel’s job.

A call was made for a vote. Richardson-Passed, Crittenden-Yes, Moore-Yes, Crane-No, Bledsoe-Pass, Sharp-Yes. Back around to Richardson. After taking an extra second to contemplate his choice, Alderman Richardson voted-Yes. Mayor Jones with a look of disgust, threw his writing object down rather loudly, echoing in the small room. Alderman Bledsoe was ask for her vote and she voted-No. Motion was approved. Pam Stewart will receive the $3,000. bonus because she is still considered a City Employee.

Chief Jimmy Dale Snyder stood to address the board with a request to donate the old crown Victoria Police car to the Rescue Squad to work traffic. Sharp motioned to approve with Moore following up with a second. Motion Approved. 

Next, Chief Snyder informed the board about a Tennessee wide Grant available for Police. Violent Crime Intervention Fund Grant for $1,000,000,000 Million covering Tennessee. City of Ridgely Police Department can receive $43,644 of this grant. A stipulation for this grant is that all money must be paid up front. After an invoice is sent in with the balance paid, the full amount is fully reimbursed within the quarter.  

Chief Snyder is looking at purchasing 4 New Body Vest, with prices between $900. to a $1,000. each for his officers and himself the first quarter. The $4,000 will need to be paid up front and Jimmy Dale ask for approval from the Board to move money around in his departments budget to purchase the Body Vest.  

After purchasing the Body Vest, Chief would like to put the remaining balance from the grant into Ridgely Police Department Budget for next year.  

The next year (2024) Chief has plans to install cameras in high crime areas and put LPRS on the highway. The grant balance that was placed into Police Department Budget will pay for all activities.  

All this is based on approval from the DOJ. Alderman Sharp made a motion to approve Chief Snyder’s tentative plans.  

Before a second was made, Mayor Jones and Alderman Crittenden ask several questions. Alderman Moore ask Chief Snyder what the purpose for the cameras on the highway was. The cameras will read license plates. They will assist in locating stolen vehicles and warning people. The cameras are not for speeding vehicles.   

There was talk among board members about lowering the speed limit on the highway from 40 mph to 30 mph. No definite decision was made.

Mayor Jones ask Snyder about the 2 new police vehicles. Chief said the cars are waiting to have their straps applied.  

Chief stated that he would trading in 3 older vehicles to help lower the cost of the 2 new cars. The cars cost $92,000. And the money is in the Police Department Budget.   

When all is said and done Ridgely will only be out of pocket $35,000. – $36,000. 

Grants are a blessing.

Motion was made again by Alderman Sharp. Crittenden seconded the motion. Roll call was made with everyone voting yes.

The last person to speak was Mr. Chuck Graham. Mr. Graham is Pastor at Willingham Baptist Church.  

Mr. Graham stated he was Rachel Grahams wife. Laughter filled the room and lightened the air around us. He talked about working in a steel mill for 15 years and the main focus was on training. Train your people. Noone left their station until the person replacing them was trained. It was a running joke. He said that is how you build a business. Train your people. (Rachel Graham has worked for the City of Ridgely for 5 years). Chuck ask if anyone had contacted Ms. Kay with MTASS about trying for Rachel. Kay is Ridgely’s financial Advisor. Chuck said Rachel had contacted MTASS and someone was being sent our on Monday to train her. Mr. Graham said Rachel had caught he’ll and high-water over banking records. (Not balancing Financial Reports) 

Mr. Graham stated that he prayed every day that his wife would quite her job. I am going, to be honest with you, I ask Rachel everyday to please quit her job because we need to save her name. The finger pointing has gotten out of hand. 

Someone from Ridgely had contacted the Comptrollers office stating Ridgely’s books were wrong and something was going on with the money right after the audit had taken place. Mr. Graham said when Rachel leaves, I pray she does, I don’t know why she is still here but when she does, I pray this, that whomever comes in, invest your thoughts and efforts on a daily basis wisely on building people up not breaking them down. The crowd broke out with applause. Continuing to talk, Mr. Graham ask were did we lose the simple moral rule. Give words of encouragement. Ask what do you need today instead of saying what did you do wrong. Mr. Graham continued to talk repeating himself often. Train your people. After more applause, the meeting was adjourned.

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