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3 Successful Tips for Remote Learning


This past spring brought a lot of changes and adjustments for everyone, especially those who are currently in school. Students of all ages and disciplines suddenly found themselves learning from home full-time. No one is quite sure what the fall semester will bring, but with social distancing measures and other regulations still in place throughout the country, online learning is on the table. Fortunately, you can rise to the challenge this coming semester with these successful tips for remote learning.

Customize Your Study Space

If you spend any amount of time working or learning from home, it’s important to have a productive space. Whether you’re working in a full office or have simply claimed a corner of the dining room table, do your best to make the area entirely your own. Let your family or roommates know your schedule, so they can avoid interrupting you during classes or study periods. Use headphones to minimize distractions and give you better sound quality when listening to lectures. Overall, your remote learning space should be a productive and comfortable area for you to spend time in.

Study as You Go

This advice works no matter how you’re attending school this semester, but it’s also one of the most important tips for remote learning. Online classes can be stressful enough without the added weight of test days. Make exams as easy on yourself as possible by preparing throughout the entire semester. Learn how to take effective notes, always do your readings, and don’t be afraid to ask questions as they arise. When you take a little time each week to stay on top of the material, you won’t find yourself drowning in assignments and exams later in the semester.

Make Interaction a Goal

Participation can be hard when you’re in a virtual classroom, especially if you’re already a quieter student. However, it’s equally hard for your teachers or professors to consistently reach out to every single student when you’re not in the classroom. If you want to stand out in an online course, you have to put a little extra effort into asking questions, helping other classmates, and touching base with your teacher when you need to. If reaching out is hard, remember that everyone is in the same boat as you. Don’t sweat the technical difficulties or awkward email wording—your teacher and fellow classmates will understand.