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Bowfishing Tips To Help You Shoot More Fish


All bowfishers, from novices to pros, want to catch more fish, right? We’ve got all the tips and tricks you need, whether you’re hunting in the day or night. First, for anyone new to the hobby, what is bowfishing?

Put away your rods and reels and break out your bow and arrow! Bowfishing is the tricky but rewarding sport of hunting fish with precise aim rather than waiting hours for a bite. Read on to discover our bowfishing tips to help you shoot more fish.

Stay Stealthy

You’re most effective with a bow at close range in shallow water. Unfortunately for you, the fish that traverse these waters are accustomed to fleeing quickly when they sense danger. Hence our first tip: staying hidden is as important as precise aim.

Saying “stay stealthy” is all well and good, but how are you actually going to achieve that? We’ve got some ideas. First, move slowly toward the water and keep your eyes down, constantly scanning for twigs and branches on the shore. Sounds on the shore spook fish as much as sounds in the water, so your stealth starts before you reach H20.

Once you’re in the water, keep an eye out for your shadow. When possible, keep your shadow behind you and never let your shadow fall over a fish you’re hoping to catch. Finally, if you’re hunting from a boat, do everything you can to avoid stirring up the water.

Practice Aiming

Aiming in bowfishing isn’t the same as aiming in archery. Light travels through water differently, so the fish you can see underwater aren’t quite where they appear to be. With water’s refraction, your target is actually lower than it seems, so you need to aim your shot below your quarry.

If you’re starting out, try aiming six inches lower than the fish you’re attempting to hit. For more advanced bowfishers, remember the 10-4 rule: aim four inches lower for every 10 feet away from the target. Keep in mind, this calculation only works if the target is about a foot deep in the water. If the fish is two feet deep, you’ll need to aim twice as low.

Invest in Lights

Bowfishing at night is potentially even more fun than daytime bowfishing, but it requires additional equipment. Quality bowfishing lights aren’t always easy to find, and different lights are suited for different scenarios. If you’re fishing in muddy water, you should go for HPS or Swamp Eye lights. However, if you’re hunting in clear water, halogen bulbs or Swamp Eye lights will work better.

Now that you’ve got our bowfishing tips to help you shoot more fish, put them to the test and see if you can score more fish than ever before!