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How To Stock Your Pantry for an Emergency


Part of preparing for an emergency is stocking your pantry with all the supplies you’ll need to make it through a challenging situation. After all, having food, water, and other crucial supplies can make a huge difference during a turbulent storm. Take a moment to explore some of the items that you should add to your supply list in the event of a crisis. You’ll be glad you did.

Keep a Generous Supply of Water and Other Provisions

We’ve all been in situations where we could have benefitted from having more water and emergency provisions on hand. To illustrate, if you’ve ever experienced a hellacious winter storm, then you know how difficult life gets when your water and power shut off.

For this reason, it’s beneficial to include a generous supply of water in your emergency itinerary. Ensure that you have drinking water and water for other things like bathing and flushing the toilets. This way, even in the worst-case scenario, you have what you need to take care of your family and yourself.

There’s also something to be said about having a go-pack set aside with any other provisions you’ll need in an emergency. Perhaps you live in an area prone to blizzards. If so, consider setting aside some weighted blankets and a couple of extra flashlights. If you live in a region that suffers from frequent tornadoes or even hurricanes, pack a first aid kit, toolbox, and LED lanterns.

Bulk Up on Non-Perishables and Dried Goods

From tumultuous hurricanes and tornadoes to frigid winter storms, emergencies always go down smoother if you’re prepared. A crucial component of ensuring you are ready for these situations is knowing how to stock your pantry for an emergency.

And if you’re wondering where to begin, start by figuring out which foods will fill your shelves. Keep in mind; you’re selecting items based on practicality in an emergency. For this reason, you should go for non-perishable and dry goods first. Some of the foods you might include in your emergency pantry are:

  • Dried beans and rice
  • Canned veggies and fruits
  • Peanut butter, trail mix, and nuts

You can also add canned soups, chili, and even meats with longer shelf lives. Once you have the non-perishables covered, you can add things like bread, chips, and Jell-O to your list.

The point is, your pantry should be stocked with foods that are easy to prepare, last a long time, and don’t necessarily need to be cooked to be edible.

Store Your Items Properly

Of course, understanding how to stock your pantry for an emergency is only half the battle. It’s equally crucial to ensure that you’re storing all of your supplies properly so that they stay uncontaminated and readily available. When it comes to your water supply, select durable containers that can hold at least a gallon at a time for drinking water.

You can store quite a bit of liquid in clean, plastic industrial drums for bathing and flushing water. And the same is true for your food items. You probably want to ensure that the drums that store your food have a sanitary plastic lining in them. Lastly, you should place all your supplies in a cool, dry area where they won’t be disturbed.