When the new year comes around, it’s common for people to want to make some sort of resolution to do better. One of the most common promises is to lose weight or maintain a healthier lifestyle, but those can easily fail without the right knowledge going into it. Be aware of what makes a weight loss resolution successful and head into the new year with the right mindset.
It’s common to set your desired goal weight when going into your weight-loss journey, whether that’s wanting to lose 30 pounds or 100. But painting in broad strokes like that won’t do you much good on a day-to-day basis; you need smaller goals that will lead you to that final target weight.
For example, it can be setting a goal of losing a pound or two a week, depending on how much your body naturally burns fat. Work up to your end goal; focusing on losing the total can seem insurmountable and discouraging.
Dieting is the primary weight-loss method, but working out can supplement your efforts, help you build muscle, and improve your cardiovascular health. However, it’s common for people to hit the gym with everything they have in the first week, exhausting themselves to the point of pain.
This isn’t ideal since working yourself to death in the gym only demotivates you from ever going back. You need to pace yourself, work slower, and build on your results; don’t expend all your energy and motivation on the first visit.
Never underestimate the benefits of having a support system for weight loss. The people you surround yourself with can help motivate you to reach your goals and keep you going when you want to quit. Losing weight and changing your lifestyle isn’t easy alone; it can be alienating, so it’s critical to have this social network to keep you grounded.
Whether that means having someone to go on walks with or having a cooking partner, always look for close friends and family to help you on your journey.
You can’t fast-forward through the work of losing weight; you need to take it one day at a time. Knowing the effort it takes and committing to a routine is what makes weight loss resolutions successful. Know your physical limits and surround yourself with encouragement and assistance whenever you need it.