The Best Landscaping Projects To Prepare for Winter

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The Best Landscaping Projects To Prepare for Winter

When the weather starts cooling down, it’s crucial that you get your property ready for the winter months ahead. While many individuals focus on preparing the home itself for the transition, it’s also crucial that you prioritize your lawn’s needs. Poor fall landscaping can lead to a lot of trouble once spring arrives. As such, the more you can do now, the better off you’ll be in the long run. Here are some of the best landscaping projects to prepare for winter.

Aerate and Fertilize Your Lawn

Maintaining the health of your grass after prolonged cold temperatures can be a struggle, but there’s plenty you can do to improve your odds. Aerating your lawn is the process of putting small holes in your landscape to allow for easier water and nutrient entry. With this technique, your grass can have better access to the resources it needs, allowing it to grow and stay strong during winter. Aeration, combined with proper fertilization, can set you up for a quick bounce-back several months from now.

Remove Weeds and Dead Foliage

You’ll also want to spend some time weeding and uprooting dead plants in your yard. Your shrubs and grass need as many nutrients as they can get during the colder months, and this debris will only rob them of key resources. Thorough weeding puts the nutrients in your soil to greater use and improves your chances of keeping your landscaping alive. Undergoing this task now can make your spring landscaping efforts much easier.

Trim or Take Down Problem Trees

Another crucial landscaping project for preparing your yard for winter is to take care of any problematic trees on the property. Winter storms can be devastating to overgrown trees, knocking down branches and damaging your home in the process. Therefore, we recommend you trim down some of the larger sections to reduce the risk of damage to your house. If one of your trees seems in poor health, you may even want to remove it fully with the aid of a skid steer log grapple bucket.

Give Perennials Plenty of Water

Finally, give some extra attention to your perennials as fall winds come to a close. These flowers are hardy enough to withstand the entire winter and flourish once things heat up again. As such, you’ll want to ensure they have what they need to preserve themselves in the coming weeks. Consider giving them a bit of extra water, cool weather mulch blends, and other nutrients.

The right landscaping efforts now can go a long way when it comes to having a thriving property come spring. With these tasks on your to-do list, you’re well on the path to a healthier, better-looking home.

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